Let’s work together.

  • Communications + Leadership Consulting

    Need help communicating your big ideas in beautiful, clear, and strategic ways? Need a sounding-board for leadership plans? Need a non-anxious presence to guide your vision toward reality? Whatever your communication or leadership needs, I’m here to connect, collaborate, and create what you need, when you need it.

  • Speaking, Teaching, + Preaching

    Need a preacher for Sunday morning? Looking for someone to teach woman-led stories from the Bible? Need a keynote speaker for your next event? Look no further. With 20+ years of public speaking, preaching, and teaching experience, I’m here for you.

  • Retreat Leadership

    With experience as a retreat leader in multiple settings (yoga retreats, pre-and-post-partum workshops, spiritual retreats, contemplative practices, women’s gatherings, and more), I’d love to join you for a theologically-sound, spiritually-formative, and beautifully-designed time together.